Welcome to my #RealEstateMama blog, where I will share my tastes in home decor, how to have beautiful things on a budget, and what it’s like to be a real estate mom in Orlando. If you’re a mom, you know that being a mom is the most incredible job in the world. You also know that it is the hardest and most rewarding. I’ve always been a working mom because I love to work. I’ve worked in journalism, marketing and Public Relations in New York City for most of my life, until I got the real estate bug. Now, I work with my brother-in-law, Derick Harry, in making an impact in the real estate world– and it has been, by far, the best career decision I’ve ever made. I’ve found real estate gives me the opportunity to help people just like myself look for the place that they will call home. And I find so much beauty in that.
I grew up in Fort Lauderdale, FL– Davie, to be exact– where I watched my own mom build a career in a real estate. And ironically enough, my mom and dad (married 33 years!) still live in the same home I grew up in since I was two-years-old. I grew up on the friendliest block, where my neighbors became my family. And still, to this day, 28 years later, they are still considered my family. I think there is beauty in that too. So, for me, home really is where my heart is.
I met my husband on an airplane during a stopover in Charlotte, NC. He ended up sitting right next to me in the window seat, where we talked for three hours, and I was [secretly] falling in love with him with every word. I thought he was so handsome! I still remember staring at his lips with every word he spoke. And long story short, our lives started to move very quickly thereafter… and I wouldn’t have changed it for anything in the world.
Becoming a mom has been the greatest gift. Watching my almost-two-year-old daughter, Addison, grow up has been an honor (and highly entertaining). I still get all giggly inside when she says things like “Mommy dance” or “Mess”. I’ve been learning everyday that kids really do say the darndest things– and I ADORE it. And, as if Miss Addision was not enough of a blessing, before we could blink an eye, we were waiting for our newest addition, Braxton, to arrive. Only 11 weeks, and as cute as a button, Braxton has now graced our lives with the most handsomest of faces! His smiles make me swoon.
As every mom discovers, life throws many chapters our way and through all of the chapters I’ve lived thus far, I’ve found that God works in mysterious ways. His plans for us have deep meaning. And I’ve learned that every person who comes into our lives has a part in shaping who we are inside. Life is not black and white, there are gray areas. There is no rule book or guide to tell us when is the right time or what the right thing is to do. But, somehow, someway, if you *believe*, then life will be beautiful. I’ve learned that love comes in different forms and if you have love in your heart for yourself, then you will find true happiness. And THAT is the most expensive, fanciest thing to own.
Follow my life here, as I learn how to become a mommy in real estate, to my most fabulous accessories, Addison and Braxton, while helping families just like mine find homes that fit the chapter they are in, in their life.
XOXO, #RealEstateMama