I had this moment once, that is still so vivid to me. I sat in my doctor’s office wondering if I was pregnant, and a big part of me wished I was.
But, I wasn’t. Not yet.
I always wondered my whole life, what you would be like. I always knew you’d be in my life one day. I knew I’d have a little girl, who would be so incredibly fulfilling and special to me.
Now that you’re here, I want you to know I want the best for you. I want you to always be happy. And not just happy in the way that the world may define happiness, but happy in the way that YOU define it. It’s important that you always feel fulfilled and happy. But, accept the fact that sometimes you’ll feel unhappy and that’s OK. The important thing is, that you have an outlet.
My outlet was always writing. If I was unhappy, I would write about it. I would write poems, songs, stories, and whatever would come to mind. I would write with the thought in mind that no one would ever read it. That way, I knew I’d write honestly, and wholeheartedly… not afraid of what another person would think.
Whatever your outlet may be, let it be something that works for YOU. Let it be between you and yourself, but always let it be healthy.
Explore the World
I want you to know that I want you to explore the world. Explore it forever, and explore it with all your heart. Being open to other’s thoughts will help you to be most confident, loving and thoughtful. You will learn to be open to other’s thoughts by seeing the world. You will see beauty everywhere when you travel. You will learn how to appreciate even the ugly, and find beauty in everything.
Go to School
I want you to go to school because I want you to learn what it is like to have responsibility. School teaches you to be on a schedule, and to answer to someone who will hold you responsible for your actions. There’s a benefit to having someone hold you accountable for your responsibilities– it’s a lesson that is priceless. It will teach you obedience.
Do What You Love
One day, you will need to have a career. Better yet, you will WANT to have a career. Let it be something you LOVE. I believe that if you love what you do, you will be good at it. Find your passion, and find a way to make it profitable. You will pass this down to your children one day too. You will see, that one day, your career is a part of your everyday life. And although, it is not the thing that should come before family, it is the thing that you should love for yourself. If you could find your hobby and make that a career, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Always, Always Be Confident, and here’s how
Don’t be your own worst enemy. Never listen to those voices that doubt yourself. Never think that you aren’t good enough or cannot do something. Anyone can do anything. It’s just about DOING IT. You will find, that in the end, life is pretty simply. Don’t complicate it. The difference between someone who can and someone who can’t, is the “someone who can” is doing it, while the “someone who can’t” is not. If you want to do something DO IT. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you you can’t, even if they are older, wiser or dominant. Stay humble, stay modest, but walk with confidence inside. You will always stand out gracefully. You will always be happy.
The best way to stay confident, is to always be willing to extend your hand to help. By teaching others what you know, you will feel good. Feeling good always creates happy energy, and happy energy will always create confidence.
Follow Your Heart
In the end, follow your heart. Say what you want to say, when you want to say it. Don’t be afraid to speak. No question is stupid, no comment is unworthy. But, always be thoughtful with your words, and speak with gentle appeal and confidence. People will listen. Love with all your heart. Protect yourself always, but love the way you choose to inside and out. Always, always, always be faithful.
Save Your Money
No matter how tough it may be, always save money. It may be hard sometimes, but you can do it. Even, if it’s a small amount, save it. You will thank yourself, and feel happy for what you own. Nothing materialistic is worth more than a savings account.
Don’t Worry About Being Perfect
Let yourself live. Don’t rush the things in your life that will one day be priority. Let yourself make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes. If you forget your homework one day, don’t beat yourself up about it, apologize and bring it tomorrow. Don’t stress about the small things. Believe in yourself, and know you are good. Believe that always.
Know that Wherever You Are, I Will Follow
No matter how old you are, or where you are living, I will always be your biggest fan. I will always be right beside you. I will always follow. You are loved by me tremendously, wholeheartedly, and unconditionally. I will always be proud of you. Make sure you always know this, hold my love close to your heart, and never ever forget it.
XOXO, #RealEstateMama