One of the most important [and exciting] things in building your own business is customizing your brand. Today, we toured a facility that allows us to do just that. Signature Dezigns allows us the ability to make our visions come to life. And that excites us. Looking around the Signature Dezigns warehouse where signs, memorabilia and decor is created for businesses, big and small, we are inspired to run with our vision for 2016.
So, we took a moment to decorate our business. Here are three key tips to creating your brand and choosing your look:
Design Your Look
Stand out from your competition, which means getting to know your competition first. Analyze what makes your competition’s brand successful and pull inspiration. Most importantly, create your own look and feel. Do not replicate, instead understand the meaning of your core business and what kind of clientele you are speaking to, then you will start to design your brand most effectively.
Think Outside the Box
Don’t do the expected. Do the unexpected. Be innovative, unique and stand out. This is the way people will remember you. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and take a risk on your brand’s look and feel.
Shop for Inspiration
Look around, shop, and take pictures of anything that inspires you. This is a part of building your brand’s image. When you have a vision to achieve, it is helpful to see what you envision in photos and share that with the people you are working with to create the look and feel of your brand.
A big thanks to Wes Pickens at Signature Dezigns for giving us a tour and inspiring our branding goals for 2016. Want more vendor recommendations on housing needs and business-building materials? Download our Homekeepr App on your mobile device and have top resources at your fingertips.
-DS Realty Group